How to Get Laid in San Andres, Colombia – City Guide

December 28, 2022

Are you interested in meeting San Andres girls?

Maybe you’ve seen the amazing photos online of blue lagoons, white sand, palm trees, and crystal-clear waters. If you’re looking for a beach spot in Colombia, San Andres is the place.

Most will sun-seekers in Colombia will visit Cartagena or Santa Marta to enjoy sun, sea, sand, and … sex. But they have no idea of the natural beauty found in San Andres.

But what about the natural beauty of the San Andres women?

Let’s find out.

Columbia Casanova Rating:
Looks of San Andres Girls: 2.5.5
How Easy are San Andres Girls: 2/5
San Andres Overall: 2.5/5



Totaling just sixty thousand people, San Andres is by far the smallest of all the Columbian places I’ve covered on this site. But what do you expect of a tropical island? Paradise isn’t paradise anymore if it’s overpopulated.

Colombians are actually a minority on the island. Most of the sixty thousand are from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, or natives of the island.

January to April is peak tourist season in San Andres and also brings the hottest weather. The heaviest rainfall is from September to November. Rainfall is San Andres isn’t a light drizzles, were talking monsoon showers.

San Andres Island is quiet from May to November, so factor that into your plans.

Pirates used to terrorize the seas around San Andres, and are reported to have buried their treasure somewhere on the island.

These days, a different kind of pirate poses a threat to visitors: Organized crime gangs using SAI as a gateway to the United States from South America. As a tourist, you’re unlikely to get caught up in any crossfire between rival drug gangs. Petty theft is much more likely to happen to you.

Just like in Cartagena, there are lots of people here who prey on tourists. Anybody who has the money to fly to SAI (San Andres Island) and stay in a hotel, has the money to own a nice phone and watch. Makes economic sense, right?

Take the following precautions during your stay on the island:

Leave your passport, jewellery, and electronics in your hostel/hotel if you’re going on day trips
Avoid Carrera 8 in El Centro and the surrounding areas. This is the most dangerous neighborhood.

Cost of Living San Andres
Because of the tourist influx, the cost of living here is higher than most places in Colombia. During high season, expenses here are on a par with those of living in upscale areas in Bogota or Medellin. Food from the supermarkets is also expensive due to import costs.

To give you an idea, hostel rooms range from $20 to $30 per night, per person. Everything is negotiable in San Andres so make sure you haggle before hiring snorkeling gear or taking a boat trip.

But if you’re savvy, you can make a lot of these costs back by stocking up on duty-free items before you head back to Colombia – San Andres is a tax-free zone.

San Andres has the best beaches in Colombia. Probably because it’s not in Colombia, it’s nearer to Nicaragua. Below are my top three must do’s in San Andres:

Visit Johnny Cay – One of the more popular boat trips on the island
Eat in San Luis – Classier and more peaceful restaurants here than the ones in El Centro
Snorkel at Haynes Cay – the best snorkeling in all of San Andres

Where to stay in San Andres?
There is no defined center to San Andres, but rather a collection of small settlements and villages – similar to Santa Marta on the Colombian mainland.

The three main towns are El Centro, La Loma, and San Luis. El Centro is downtown San Andres. La where most of the locals live and is a more authentic Caribbean fishing village.

If you want to ball out, you can stay at five-star all-inclusive hotels like Decameron Isleno or Decameron Aquarium.

If your pockets aren’t so deep, El Viajero hostel is popular with backpackers.

Remember to book fast: rooms sell like hotcakes during high season.

What do the girls in San Andres look like?
You’ll find three types of women on the island:

The locals are black/Afro-Caribbean.
The Colombians are white. Or rather tan after a few days in San Andres.
The South Americans from Brazil and Argentina are whiter still.

Some of the hottest girls in Colombia go to San Andres to show off their bikini bodies at the beach. If you’re looking for sex in San Andres, I strongly recommend you focus on tourists girls and forget trying to hook up with a local.

Is Sex difficult in San Anders?
Even though San Andres looks like Cancun, it’s no spring break destination. SAI is more a couples destination for wealthy Colombians.

Being a small island, you’ll see the same people out at the beach during the day, on the boat tours, and at the clubs at night. This means you can easily build rapport with any single girls you meet on the island.

Online Game
There are some girls in San Andres on Tinder but they tend to be single tourist girls. You know the type – nerdy backpackers who are trying to travel the world on $10 per day. That’s not to say you won’t find some hot tourist girls on Tinder in San Andres, but you’ll run out of swipes on the first day. Backup options are Colombia Cupid, Latin American Cupid, and Caribbean Cupid.

The best way to get laid in San Andres is…

Day Game
Day game in San Andres is all about beach game. Put on your Speedos on, slap on the sunscreen and walk along the sand, doing some friendly approaches. If you get any bites, invite to have a drink with you that night. Run the same game on girls you meet while exploring the island on your golf cart and doing tourist activities.

Remember to move fast if you get any numbers. Most girls are in San Andres for less than a week. There’s no time to play the long game.

Night Game
Most of the nightlife is located in El Centro. The party never stops during high season – clubs open 7 days a week. During low season the pace drops to weekend nights only.

Here are clubs I recommend:

Blue Deep – The biggest disco on the island. Find it inside the Sunrise Beach Hotel
La Ky Banza – High-end lounge bar right on the beach
Banzai – Chill cocktail bar, popular with locals. Ideal date spot

Spanish Speaking Spanish in San Andres?
If you’re thinking of skipping San Andres because of its small population and limited nightlife… hold up. I’ve got good news for you: If you’re Spanish is weak, San Andres is the by far the best place in Columbia for you.

The island was under the rule of the British Empire for centuries and was originally called “Saint Andrew”. Almost all locals speak Caribbean English and Spanish. English is the co-official language of schools and government in San Andres.

Also, most Colombian and South Americans who holiday in San Andres are wealthy and well educated so they’ll know English too.

Do you need Spanish to meet women in San Andres? Not really.

But if you want to learn Spanish so you can run game on those Colombian MILF’s sunbathing on the beaches in their string bikinis, I highly recommend you check out two Spanish courses: Synergy Spanish and Pickup Spanish.

Synergy Spanish gives you a foundation of Spanish knowledge. Within a few days of listening to the audio course, you’ll know over 500 new words in Spanish.

If you want to run beach game in San Andres, the Pickup Spanish course will give you ready-to-go lines you can use to naturally start a conversation with an attractive Latina.

How to get laid in San Andres, Colombia
San Andres is a unique mix of English-Caribbean and Latin cultures. This isn’t surprising considering the island lies closer to Jamaica than it does to South America. SAI might be owned by the Colombian government but it’s a very un-Colombian place.

The majority of visitors to the islands are couples and families. In fact, many newlyweds honeymoon in San Andres Island. That means, unless you’re trying to entice a Colombian to cheat on her husband (not unheard of), you should make a beeline for any backpackers and solo travelers you spot on the island.

If you really want to know how to get laid in San Andres, Colombia here is the answer: bring a girl with you. This island paradise is more enjoyable when you bring sand to the beach.

Papi Chulo

About the Author

Papi Chulo

Living and traveling around Latin America, Papi Chulo learned a thing or two about dating stunning Latinas. Now, he's sharing that information with the world. If you've ever wanted to meet stunning, exotic women - the time is now!