Sex in Colombia: From a Traveler’s Perspective

August 16, 2018

Colombian girls are the business. The bee’s knees, so to speak. So it’s no surprise that sex in Colombia is often on the mind of red-blooded males as they travel around the country.

Whether you’re into big curves or toned bodies, tanned skin or a pale complexion, Colombian ladies are a smorgasbord of sheer belleza.

Aka beauty for my non-bilingual readers.

Of course, not everyone is a stunner. Like everywhere else, the country does have a modest contingent of mingers, as well.

But statistically speaking, the average is much higher here. And that means the traveling gringo can punch well above their weight.

Best of all, many Colombian ladies have a thing for their North American counterparts. That infatuation serves to tip the scales further in our favor.

Sure, some local girls are only into foreign guys for the money, status, and maybe even a green card. But to the well-trained eye, these gringo-hunting gold diggers are easy enough to spot.

Throughout this post, we’ll divulge years of thorough “hands-on” research to help you find your way into the heart – and the panties – of a sexy Colombian chick.

And for those of you curious about paying for sex in Colombia and how that whole scene works, as well as how to avoid it, we’ll break that down, too.

Dating in Colombia: How Things Work

Beautiful women are everywhere in Colombia. So what’s the best place to approach them?

Yep, before we talk about the dating culture in Colombia and how to approach these sultry Latinas, we need to know where to meet Colombianas.

Lucky, that’s easy in a country known for stunners…

  • The Bar

The bar scene in Colombia is dominated by groups of friends who are more interested in catching up than finding a new date.

But that’s not to say it can’t happen.

Many a degenerate night starts by meeting a sexy Colombiana at the bar. You just need some social skills and a little Spanish to get the job done.

Be careful about approaching a girl with a group of friends, though. There’s a good chance she’s with her boyfriend and Colombian men are known to be possessive.

This holds especially true for pretty young things hanging around older guys. For all you know, they could be a narco and you sure as shit don’t want to get messed up with that.

One pro tip is to get in with the guys first. Colombians are famously friendly and curious to meet foreigners. If you get along well with the blokes, they just might introduce you to a single lady in their group.

  • The Club

Boozy hook-up culture isn’t as widespread as the West. Colombians love to dance, and typically rotate between many partners in a night. If you do get the chance to dance with a hotty, then remember that dancing on its own doesn’t mean jack shit.

Chances are she’ll move onto the next guy once a new song comes on, and you’ll be expected to do the same. Your best bet is to play it cool. If she likes you, things might go further. You’ll need to work on those goofy gringo dance moves as well.

Overly forward girls in clubs alone are likely to be hookers, so quiz them on their job if that ain’t your thing. Be cautious if a chick out of your league offers to shout you a drink. Spiking foreigners is a known scam.

If you’re going to meet normal girls in discos in Colombia, you best be prepared to open girls who are in groups or the whole group. That’s how it goes here.

  • Out and About

Day game is a good option if you’ve got the gift of the gab. Anywhere from supermarkets to parks and the metro are good spots to approach women.

Of course, your game has to be strong and you’ll need a smooth excuse to strike up a conversation.

Well, it doesn’t really have to be that smooth in Colombia. If you have a little bit of Spanish, then play up the “dumb and lost foreigner” card.

Ask the hot chick where the gym, coffee shop, or yoga studio is. Then casually tell her you already know where it is and you just need un razon to talk with her. If she smiles or laughs, tell her that you’re flirting with her and/or hitting on her.

It’s really that simple while in Colombia, fellas.

  • Online Dating

Online dating apps are as prevalent in Colombia as anywhere. Apart from looks, you’ll be able to filter out girls who don’t speak English if your Spanish isn’t up to scratch.

Tinder is a reliable option for finding sex in Colombia, but be aware that plenty of profiles are bots and hookers. There’s nothing worse than chatting away for hours only to be sent a price list.

A better option is Colombia Cupid. A modest monthly subscription fee keeps the riffraff at bay, and we can testify there are in fact plenty of fish in the sea.

Honestly, it all depends on the city, too. Colombian Cupid is dynamite in Cali and Medellin. But can be a waste of time in Bogota.

But it’s usually the easiest way to line up a lot of dates throughout the country.

Dating in Colombia: The Culture

Colombianas may be curious about foreign guys, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy. You’ll need to look your best, be patient and persistent, then figure out an approach that works best for you.

Being well dressed and groomed are vital to scoring sex in Colombia

Colombians of both genders take pride in their appearance, much more so than most other cultures. Naturally, you’ll need to look dapper at all times if you hope to have any chance of landing a hotty.

Let’s take a look at a few dos and don’ts…

  • Do:

  • Be meticulous with your hygiene. Even a whiff of B.O. or bad breath is like kryptonite to a Colombian woman.
  • Ply on plenty of cologne. It might seem a little sleazy to smell like a mobile perfume store back home, but it’s all the rage in Colombia. Antiperspirant deodorant is essential in situations where you expect to get sweaty.
  • Shower every chance you get. Most Colombians shower at least twice a day and expect you to do the same.
  • Brush your pearly whites and carry mint at all times. Remember what we said about kryptonite?
    Groom like a boss.
  • Don’t let your hair become scruffy and unkempt. Only the hippy chicks dig this look, and these probably aren’t the girls you’re looking for.
  • Keep tabs on that beard. Beards are definitely in these days, but the scraggly lumberjack look just doesn’t fly in Colombia. Opt for a neatly trimmed beard instead.
  • Pluck those nose and ear hairs if you’ve got em.
  • Consider shaving. Most Colombian men don’t have a lot of natural body hair, and the chicks seem to dig it. A lot of guys shave their underarms so you should consider following suit. Keeping downstairs in order is a good idea as well.
  • Dress well.
  • Dirty, stained or ripped and torn clothes will get you nowhere.
  • Don some new garb for the best chance at success. Check out what the local lady’s men are wearing and follow suit.

If that list didn’t make things crystal clear, Colombian girls care about appearances. They don’t like hippies and they don’t like men that look dirty.


Because they associate those things with being poor and that is completely unattractive in Colombia. The starving artist does not get feed by Colombian girls.

Te Lo Juro.


  • Do Not:

  • Wear flip-flops around a city. Colombian chicks don’t dig exposed feet, so cover those toes if you aim to impress. Coastal holiday spots like Cartagena and Santa Marta are an exception, however, due to their more casual vibe.
  • Wear shorts. Even though it gets pretty hot throughout most of the country, wearing shorts is a bit of a fashion faux-pas. Sure, you can don a stylish knee-high number during the day when it’s hot, but don’t even think about wearing them to a formal occasion or a date.

Appearances play a huge role while dating in Colombia. If you’re looking to make some sweet sex in Colombia without paying a penny for it, outside of Ubers and drinks, then listen to the advice above.

Learn a Bit of Spanish

Most well-educated Colombianas do speak a bit of English, but you’re narrowing down your chances big time if you can’t speak the local lingo. Being fluent isn’t necessary, as our goofy foreign pronunciation can come off as endearing at times.

Stacks of online resources are out there, but private language classes yield the best results.

They can also be time-consuming and costly while in the country.

As such, we highly recommend learning a little bit before you hit the road. Speaking Spanish and sex in Colombia go. hand-in-hand, after all.

-> If you’re looking to learn a little of the romance language, we suggest you start here.

-> If you speak Spanish but want to learn how to flirt, click here.

Would learn Spanish to score.

What Do Colombian Girls Look For in a Man?

Colombian chicks are a little different to what we’re used to in the West. Age-old machismo traditions still run strong, and the ladies tend to subscribe to these ideas more than the men.

So that means us blokes are the boss, right?

Not exactly. What it does mean is that Colombian girls like to be spoiled. Above all else, they want to feel special. And this is essential at the start of the dating game.

Colombianas like men who treat them like a princess. Being good-looking, charming, well-dressed and financially well-off come second.

Don’t expect any action on the first night out.

Tying in with the aforementioned desire to feel special, most Colombian girls wouldn’t dream of going home with a guy on a night out. At best, if things go well you might get a kiss and a number.

If it’s a quick one-night stand you’re after, you’d be better off chasing the drunk gringas at the nearest backpackers bar.

Of course, that’s not to say it can’t happen. Plenty of foreign dudes have closed the deal on the first encounter. My point is that it ain’t the norm.

Especially as most Colombian girls go out with friends and coworkers. They don’t want to be labeled as the “prepago” who goes home with foreigners in her social circle.

Dating is different here.

Now, one-night-stands are not common in Colombia. However, many girls will hook up on the first or second date with a foreigner she really likes.

The girls here aren’t dumb. They know most foreigners will only be here for a few weeks or months at best.

So if she’s single, or not, and looking to have some fun with you…

Your only job is to get her away from friends and out of public. You want to make it easy for her to make some memories with you – without any kickbacks from her social circle.

This means inviting her to drinks at a bar near your hotel or apartment. Alone.

This is how sex in Colombia happens more often than not, as social status means girls won’t go home with foreigners the first night they meet them.

Dating in Colombia: What to Expect From a Colombian Girlfriend

Ok, so you’ve been having a little sweet sex in Colombia with one special girl. Before you know it, she’s calling you amor and papi.

A few weeks later and now you’ve got a Colombian girlfriend.

She screws you like there’s no tomorrow. Moaning louder than any gringa, who started having sex in her parent’s basement, ever would imagine to.

But you’re starting to wonder what else to expect from this exotic Latina…

  • Jealousy is Off the Charts

Latin Americans are notoriously jealous, both women and men. Colombia, of course, is no exception to the rule.

At times, this can make dating difficult. Your best bet is to be honest and direct. Ride out the storm when need be.

Some girls are worse than others, so gauge this aspect of their personality before getting too involved.

Jealousy here stems from two things:

  • Women and men are both super possessive: You’ll need to be extremely careful in all interactions with the opposite sex, no matter how innocent they may seem.
  • Latin Americans are known to fool around: Colombianas are jealous for a reason. Colombian men love to have a little something on the side. In fact, Latin Americans have some of the highest rates of infidelity in the world, which gives the women a solid reason to have their suspicions.

On the flip side, us gringos can use this to our advantage. We’re considered more loyal than the local lads, which gives us a step up in the dating game.

  • Affection is, too

Colombian girls, and Latinas in general, are often as affectionate as they are jealous. Once you’ve won them over, expect to be showered with cariño in the form of food, kisses, and even the odd surprise blowjob.

There’s a lot of ups and downs of dating Colombian women. But the good times are some of the best memories you’ll ever make, amigo.

  • Drama is an Issue

Whether it be from watching too many telenovas or just that fiery latina temper, Colombianas have a predisposition to excessive drama. Expect to get into lots of heated arguments about stupid shit that doesn’t matter.

At least once it’s over, you’ll be treated to some pretty intense make-up sex.

  • Meeting the Family

Not uncommon in Colombia after a month or two of “dating” a girl here.

Bringing a boyfriend home to meet the folks is reserved for serious relationships in the West. Here in Colombia, it’s no big deal.

If you’re actually into the girl, don’t even think of denying her request. Upon arrival, play it cool and crack a joke or two. Because most single women live with their folks in Colombia, bringing home the new fling is a routine affair.

If, for whatever reason, you’re invited to stay the night, expect to sleep on your lonesome on the couch. Colombia is a conservative country on the whole.

  • Get Ready to Pay Up

Not for sex in Colombia, although that’s always an option.

Men are generally expected to pay, pretty much every time. The only exception are highly cultural, professional women – who may offer to split the bill.

This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s an interesada – aka a gold digger. It’s more of a cultural thing.

But she might be.

Keep tabs on your girls spending habits. If she demands you treat her to an unreasonable amount of stuff or a fancy dinner every time you meet, she’s probably only into you for the money.


Sex in Colombia: One Other Option

If you’ve made it this far, you might be thinking it all sounds like too much work. We can’t blame you. The dating game ain’t for everyone.

Although in Colombia, the effort is almost always worth it.

As well, prostitution is legal in Colombia and relatively acceptable to boot.

Streetwalkers will cost you anywhere between US$15 and US$30 for some sexy time, although there are some obvious risks involved.

A high-class independent escort could set you back a hundred or more, but she should look like a model for that price.

An abundance of brothels throughout the country offer the full service for about the same price. Just ask your nearest taxi driver for “putas” and you’re good to go.

If you want to bring a girl back to your hotel, you’ll need to ask about their guest policy. If it’s a no, there are stacks of pay-by-the-hour love hotels around.

While we’re more into the mating and dating with Colombia girls here at Colombia Casanova, every foreigner should know that sex in Colombia is never more than $20-30 bucks away.

Which generally skews the dating culture in favor of men, as women know a guy doesn’t need to put up with their shit to get laid.

The brothel down the street doesn’t talk back and never is too tired after a long day of puteria.

Seriously, one of the reasons sex in Colombia is so good is because the girls know they’re competing with professionals. So they put more than an honest effort into pleasing their men.

Why sex in Colombia is worth it…

Sex in Colombia: From a Traveler’s Perspective

So there we have it, an in-depth beginner’s guide to mating and dating in Colombia.

An insider’s guide into Colombian culture, the sex trade, and how this affects foreigners like you and me – when we’re trying to meet the Colombiana of our dreams.

Luckily, sex in Colombia isn’t a complex ordeal these days.

Colombian girls are feminine, and femininity often equals curiosity. That curious nature means these girls love to meet foreigners from all over the world.

Foreigners just like you.b

There’s a reason men from all over the world continually come back to Colombia year after year. The place is truly the promised land.

P.S: If you’re looking to make some sweet sex in the promised land, aka Colombia, for the first time, I’d recommend starting here!

Papi Chulo

About the Author

Papi Chulo

Living and traveling around Latin America, Papi Chulo learned a thing or two about dating stunning Latinas. Now, he's sharing that information with the world. If you've ever wanted to meet stunning, exotic women - the time is now!